Wicked Billy!
Yesterday, I went to atlantis again. (BNavver is Masterbilly) It took about 5 hours (10AM to 2PM) and I didn't eat my forgotten lunch until it was finished. 
When we had about 192k and some 300+ chests, (Billy was aiming for 200k) we went in and got the bilge meter full while the carp is near-full. There was a gorgonyx at the front of the ship while a triketos was at the left and we had no moves! I started crying because I didn't want to sink, all our hard work (and me trying my best to control my hunger) would vanish!
Others were praying, shouting "Sailers!!" and because Billy is wicked, we were able to go out and repair! (We were close to the safe zone, I'm not sure how we got out since I was busy carpenting so I didn't saw it...but what Billy did was really wicked.)
I received 9k and an aqua trinket "Dragoon Chow", an atlantean/navy corset (Ace got the colors right when I showed her the dress! What a fashion addict!) and...a green horn (for drinking). I'm so happy we didn't sink. :D Imma job for you again, Billy!
* Memmed Cochineal-Diastrophe - This was a pain in the boob! I went back and forth for about 3 times but I wasn't able to memorize it. (The voyage was set to "Evading") I then tried to change the type and set it to pillaging, and I memorized it fast! URGH...and here I thought you could mem while Evading.... >_<
After the atlantis, I ate my lunch, took a shower and logged back in. (And Boote still wasn't online! T_T)
Bluezx and Ace was playing poker while talking to Red in crew chat so I went and watched their game. These 2 are so good in poker, they were the only ones who had high money on the board! @_@
Since I thought I was being left out, I left and went to another table and tried playing. And the result:
I just wasted my 200 PoE. There was this annoying girl at the table who had 2,000 in her hand and she always goes all in which pissed me off very much.
I hate those kinds of people.
Then, Ace surprised me by giving me 5000 PoE! He told me to play poker at their table and he'll coach me on the mechanics. XD
Some random screenies:
I thought Red was talking to me and then I answered but before I answered, Ace talked. But before I could correct that I wasn't talking to Ace, Red answered, and everyone got confused on who is talking to who. XD
When the money Ace gave me was down to 1000, I just decided to cash out and not waste his money anymore. >_< Don't worry, Ace! I'll pay you...someday! XD
After playing poker, I got invited by Ace to the crew's Manor. Some random screenies again:
Sometimes, Red is really really funny! XD
Ace lent me his cursed chalice and made me drank on it! Creepy Stupidjerk is creepy!
It was night time for me so I logged off, and then a few hours passed and I suddenly think "I miss them!"

When we had about 192k and some 300+ chests, (Billy was aiming for 200k) we went in and got the bilge meter full while the carp is near-full. There was a gorgonyx at the front of the ship while a triketos was at the left and we had no moves! I started crying because I didn't want to sink, all our hard work (and me trying my best to control my hunger) would vanish!
Others were praying, shouting "Sailers!!" and because Billy is wicked, we were able to go out and repair! (We were close to the safe zone, I'm not sure how we got out since I was busy carpenting so I didn't saw it...but what Billy did was really wicked.)
I received 9k and an aqua trinket "Dragoon Chow", an atlantean/navy corset (Ace got the colors right when I showed her the dress! What a fashion addict!) and...a green horn (for drinking). I'm so happy we didn't sink. :D Imma job for you again, Billy!

* Memmed Cochineal-Diastrophe - This was a pain in the boob! I went back and forth for about 3 times but I wasn't able to memorize it. (The voyage was set to "Evading") I then tried to change the type and set it to pillaging, and I memorized it fast! URGH...and here I thought you could mem while Evading.... >_<
After the atlantis, I ate my lunch, took a shower and logged back in. (And Boote still wasn't online! T_T)
Bluezx and Ace was playing poker while talking to Red in crew chat so I went and watched their game. These 2 are so good in poker, they were the only ones who had high money on the board! @_@
Since I thought I was being left out, I left and went to another table and tried playing. And the result:
I just wasted my 200 PoE. There was this annoying girl at the table who had 2,000 in her hand and she always goes all in which pissed me off very much.

Then, Ace surprised me by giving me 5000 PoE! He told me to play poker at their table and he'll coach me on the mechanics. XD
Some random screenies:
I thought Red was talking to me and then I answered but before I answered, Ace talked. But before I could correct that I wasn't talking to Ace, Red answered, and everyone got confused on who is talking to who. XD
When the money Ace gave me was down to 1000, I just decided to cash out and not waste his money anymore. >_< Don't worry, Ace! I'll pay you...someday! XD
After playing poker, I got invited by Ace to the crew's Manor. Some random screenies again:
Sometimes, Red is really really funny! XD
Ace lent me his cursed chalice and made me drank on it! Creepy Stupidjerk is creepy!
It was night time for me so I logged off, and then a few hours passed and I suddenly think "I miss them!"

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