Friday, March 19, 2010

*licks the screen*

So today, I went to Atlantis with Boote and David! :D With 3 hours of work, I got a black atlantean helmet which I will sell for MONYZ! XD I was actually hesitating at first but I look weird on it and didn't like it so bai baiz!

While we were shooting for the music video yesterday...licking occurred.

I was saving some photo and when I looked back at the screen, I went o_O and kicked David. >_>

After the atlantis today and Dad pissing me off, I decided to go to CI. BUT! Stupid anti-virus software has to freaking update and advertise again that I lagged. URGH.

After it finished (only for a while), I saw that I got eliminated in rumble but I can still fight! ^_^ It rocked. But after lagging a few times more, the Powerbow dude told me "If you're going to keep d/cing, you need to leave." :< So I left and worked on my carpentry, which went down because of atlantis, as always. XD

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