U Got Nothin' On Me!

Hehe...it's me whispering something to Wild David.

Yes, I have a 3-day-break from school and I have NO badminton practices at all! Yippee! And now, the long forgotten Achievements Tymz!

*Memmed Ansel to Last Stand Hill on Oct.8
*Finally won against Finius and got a Porcelain Cup! Oct. 9
*Won a small zombie fray. Oct. 9
*Cursed Isles with Dio sunk before entering the island! >_<
Yes peeps! You heard it right! After 3 years, I have finally defeated a BK!

Well, this is what actually happened. I was having a 17-league pilly and got a BK expedition. Admiral Finius then attacked me and I was able to max their sloop.
I can't even believe it myself.

So I wandered around Garnet since I was bored and missed the Familiar Drinking Tourny. I arrived at Windward Vale and found 13 zombies. Fortunately, there were already 11 zombies so we didn't have to wait much for the fray to start.

And dude, I was SO close to getting my 5th zombie hand but Necromantic Natasha chose to kill me. URGH.

But anyway, I only have 3 routes to mem and I want to finish memming before or during Christmas. I mean, I want to have a Christmasy portrait with the globe!
I'm getting desperate.

Mermaid's Purse to Olin's Brow
Sapling to Whistler
Cabo de Hornos to Last Stand Hill
I'd really appreciate it and I might pay you!

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