Monday, March 29, 2010

*gets pinched by Dem 9000 times*

Dem told me not to put this on my blog but I want to! :C So I'm sure I'll get pinched later for this. >_< And then get killed by Red. T_T

I'll also get stabbed by Harry on the "steal Harry's pic lolz" comment. XC And yesterday, Boote almost killed me for the "I'll elope with David on Sage ocean while Boote's gone!" comment I told Harry and Dem. ;-;

But anyway, ENJOY our crazy and juicy convo here...MWAHAHAHA (And I found out that Harry's also reading this blog. XD)

The first few ones:

Remember when someone said that Dem stole Red's heart? *grin* A few minutes later:

(Even though it's not on the screenshot) Red hid on my cottage! XD That was a really nice and smart move, hun! *thumbs up!* And my stalkar skillz got insulted. :( I mean, I was on an alt account so of course I don't have my whisking potions with me! :(

And a few minutes more:


More can be found here and here and here and here

And while I was searching for the pictures above, I found some old pictures that I haven't posted! X_X Here they are. These was when I joined Kcoolaid's crew "Trouble". I left though when Boote and I reunited and joined Hell's Wrath and then The Champions. ^_^

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Friday, March 26, 2010 title? LAWL

On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I had atlantis mania and went with Staycr as the bnavver. Screeny of the booty which gave me my atlantean helmet:

And on 23, I went BK hunting with Juice! :D We got Brynhild but they were too strong and lost. X_X (Her swabbies practically went on a killing spree when she got eliminated. XD)

And these past few days, I'm SO addicted to Hearts! I can't stop playing it! XD

And I know that all you guys know about "it" (the declaration!! XD) but when I searched my computer for the screenie, I CAN'T FREAKIN FIND IT!

(Yes, I know that it's been a while since I didn't put my OSM smileys up so shut up.)

So until I can find the stupid screeny, I'll just keep it like this:

Redhhat says, "<3"
Stupidjerk says, "I love Red. <3"
Stupidjerk shouts, "But I only love"
Redhhat laughs uncontrollably.
Demeno says, "harry!!!"

EDIT! I finally found it! It's on a different screeny folder and was small so I didn't notice it. =X (The tape Red's talking about was the tape Demeno put on my mouth. :< )

And the next day...

I hope Harry doesn't read this blog. :/ XD (But DUDE, the ehemnosyehem people exaggerated the "declaration"! >_< I didn't even declare it! LAWL)

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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Chromas: DO NOT WANT!

I went to Atlantis again today. :D
I worked REALLY REALLY REALLY hard, juggling defending, THing and carping but I didn't get any good clothes. :( But anyway, some guy got an atlantean chroma! He's famous for lazing and hop-on-ship-leave-the-ship behaviour so I thought, "atlantis is really unfair". :(

After atlantis, Feind invited me to pilly with him in anniversary of his new Rogue class sloop! He said that he was going for elite pillage and when Darveau heard that, he said, "Oh! You're going for elite? Then I must leave! XD" and left. Feind then said in crew chat, "u nub get back hia" and Darveau came back, saying "I just needed to fart". XD

After the pilly, Harry came online. The following convo then occurred. Me, asking about Buhaynapusa. After minutes of silence, Harry then notices that they're at the same ship. XD

I rofl'd so hard. I wouldn't bring the topic about Buhaynapusa if it doesn't have any connection with us. XD And for more lulz, I'm gonna share Boote's story. After the atlantis, she went to "CI" with Jeannemarie, Pinkbubbles, Staycr etc. But then, Jeanne said "oh no! It's 20 leagues away! Let's pilly till we get there!" and then pillaged.

While they were pillaging, they got an expedition and they were like, "Oh, let's rechart." XD Boote called it the "never-ending pilly" and complained about it at the captain (Bubbles) and she got planked. X_X They pulled her back later on though. XD

Now, about the title: I bought an indigo chroma on the forums. I tested it on my scarf and when it vanished, I was like ZOMGWTFLOLIPOPZ!! and went to the yppedia. It said there that it's a one-use item. X_X So I lost the will to buy an atlantean chroma. I thought that chromas last forever like a cursed chalice. XD

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Friday, March 19, 2010

*licks the screen*

So today, I went to Atlantis with Boote and David! :D With 3 hours of work, I got a black atlantean helmet which I will sell for MONYZ! XD I was actually hesitating at first but I look weird on it and didn't like it so bai baiz!

While we were shooting for the music video yesterday...licking occurred.

I was saving some photo and when I looked back at the screen, I went o_O and kicked David. >_>

After the atlantis today and Dad pissing me off, I decided to go to CI. BUT! Stupid anti-virus software has to freaking update and advertise again that I lagged. URGH.

After it finished (only for a while), I saw that I got eliminated in rumble but I can still fight! ^_^ It rocked. But after lagging a few times more, the Powerbow dude told me "If you're going to keep d/cing, you need to leave." :< So I left and worked on my carpentry, which went down because of atlantis, as always. XD

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Saturday, March 13, 2010

CI Mania!

As you all know, I've been going to lots of CI runs this month. XD I'm just living my life to the fullest while I'm not busy and have a badge. (And people started jobbing me so woohoo!!)

I don't know when this one was...probably on Thursday or so? XD

I have a thrall! (It got eliminated though.)

I don't understand how you defend the thralls. I mean, I tried clicking it and stuff but NOTHING HAPPENS! There will be times where I click on it and I successfully defend it but after that, URGH, no matter how many times I click it, I really can't defend it. >_<

This one was yesterday. The bnavver was Nicolette. ^_^


It took us only 2 entries and we won every fray. ^_^ Halfway through though, we nearly lost the last rumble fray! It was Ridinthekat was the only one left with 4 zombies! I thought we'll lost but then, Ameranth said that he should stall and the zombies will kill themselves.

Luckily, they did and we won! *sigh of relief* After thet fray, we went back home and took 540 chests with us! ^_^ I got lots of trinkets. :D

And Harry was being silly XD :

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

I'm so busy that I can't catch up with blogging

Yeah. Because I want to log in and chat with everyone, I keep on ignoring this blog. :< But don't worry! I'm not giving this up! I'm sure I can get back to my pace once again. ^_^

* Crimson to Pranayama - Memmed on Friday (?) with the help of Rumriddle! ❤
* Olin's Brow to Stormy Fell - Memmed yesterday in fast speed, since the chart I have might crumble.
* Stormy Fell to Havoc - Memmed today. I wanted to mem Mermaid's Purse to Havoc but Harry was going to CI so I just quit for the moment. XP

So today, I went to CI with Interguy. Even though his bnav is just respected (it went to master halfway through the CI ^_^), he's pretty good. :D I rigged and had a little chat with the other jobbers and it was really fun. I didn't lag or anything. BUT.

When I went to Harry's CI. BAM. I was lagging. >_< (Hackalucka lagged after I did. XP She caught my lagging disease!) I'd never go to CI with anyone I know. NEVAR AGAIN!

And dude! There were skellies in Garden Cradle and Hadrian today but we weren't able to continue the photoshoot (for the music video) because Boote's stomach was aching and she had to leave. ;( *prays for Boote to get better soon*

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❤ Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love ❤

So you see, I love stalking people as well as playing hide and seek. Last Sunday (Feb.28), I played hide and seek with Davidov and Booteful! And look what I saw:

O_O Shocking, isn't it! (Take note, in the picture, it looks like Boote's kicking David's "weewee" XD) And there's more!

The next is the most shocking/heartmelting one. I was asking about David and Boote's pose, if they're kissing or something. So David says that it's a blinking contest...or a "who falls deeper in love" contest. AWW!! ❤

And on the blockade mania, I earned 54k! Ahh...blockades are really nice. ^_^ The first ship I was on was navved by Seepnah. (He's from Sakejima too! PINK POWARZZ!!) We received damage from our own flagmates so we had to repair. Guess what he did:

On March 1, Demeno made us laugh so hard:

Davidov said something about a "weewee contest" so I asked what it was about. And then Dem just had to interrupt and turn the convo into a crazy one. XD

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